It looks like nearly two years of waiting for the Vivo XPlay 5 flagship was totally worth it. A few minutes ago, Vivo confirmed via its official weibo page that its upcoming Vivo XPlay 5 flagship will feature a whopping 6GB of RAM onboard. Yes, this is not a typo, and it’s confirmed directly by the company. So, on March 1, at Beijing’s Water Cube Convention Center, we will probably meet the world’s first 6GB RAM smartphone .
The Vivo XPlay 5 will really mark a new era of powerful smartphones with 6GB of RAM. Last year, we reported that Samsung’s new age DRAM chips made it possible for smartphones with 6GB of RAM. So, the RAM inside the Vivo flagship should be supplied by Samsung.
What’s more, you get the powerful Snapdragon 820 quad-core processor inside, which is once again confirmed by the company, to ensure that the phone performs better than most other flagships. Even the LG G5 and Galaxy S7 flagships which were announced yesterday came with just 4GB of RAM. So, Vivo seems to be have done a great job providing the additional 2GB RAM on board the XPlay 5 handset.
As for the specs, it’s confirmed that the phone will feature a dual edge display, probably with 2K resolution. Other rumored specs include a large 6-inch screen, 16MP rear camera, 8MP front camera and a 4300mAh battery. Given that Vivo has decided to reveal its important features via teasers ahead of its release, we can expect most of these specs to be confirmed before Vivo XPlay 5 releases officially.
The company is all set to announce the device on March 1, which is a week away. So, after the exciting series of announcements at MWC 2016, we will meet the powerful XPlay 5.
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