LeEco Le Max Pro, which was the first smartphone to be announced with the Snapdragon 820 SoC also becomes the first smartphone with the processor to go on sale in China. Founder and CEO Jia Yueting today on weibo (Via) said that 1000 units of the flagship smartphone will be available for purchase at 1999 yuan (US$ 306 / Rs. 20,995 approx.). Even though they are just engineering models and not the retail units, users can switch it for the final version when the commercial version is out.
Apart from Snapdragon 820 processor, it has Qualcomm Sense ID Fingerprint technology that will offer more secure authentication on mobile devices. Snapdragon 820 also has 802.11ad multi-gigabit Wi-Fi and X12 LTE with Cat. 12/13 download speeds of up to 600 Mbps. Other features are similar to the Letv Le Max that was introduced last year.
LeEco Le Max Pro specifications
6.33-inch (2560 x 1440 pixels) Quad HD display
Quad-Core Snapdragon 820 64-bit processor with Adreno 530 GPU
4GB DDR4 RAM, 64GB internal memory
Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) based EUI
Dual SIM
Dimensions: 167.1×83.5×8.95mm; Weight: 204g
21MP rear camera with dual-tone LED flash, Sony IMX230 Sensor, OIS, f/2.0 aperture, dual ISP support
4MP front-facing camera with OmniVision OV4688 sensor, 81.6-degree wide-angle lens
MHL 3.0, USB Type C, 3.5mm audio jack, Wireless HDMI, LeHiFi and audio chip built by AKG
Fingerprint reader with Qualcomm Sense ID
4G LTE with VoLTE, 802.11ad 2×2 MU-MIMO, Tri-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.1 with APT-X, GPS, NFC
3400mAh battery
Apart from Snapdragon 820 processor, it has Qualcomm Sense ID Fingerprint technology that will offer more secure authentication on mobile devices. Snapdragon 820 also has 802.11ad multi-gigabit Wi-Fi and X12 LTE with Cat. 12/13 download speeds of up to 600 Mbps. Other features are similar to the Letv Le Max that was introduced last year.
LeEco Le Max Pro specifications
6.33-inch (2560 x 1440 pixels) Quad HD display
Quad-Core Snapdragon 820 64-bit processor with Adreno 530 GPU
4GB DDR4 RAM, 64GB internal memory
Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) based EUI
Dual SIM
Dimensions: 167.1×83.5×8.95mm; Weight: 204g
21MP rear camera with dual-tone LED flash, Sony IMX230 Sensor, OIS, f/2.0 aperture, dual ISP support
4MP front-facing camera with OmniVision OV4688 sensor, 81.6-degree wide-angle lens
MHL 3.0, USB Type C, 3.5mm audio jack, Wireless HDMI, LeHiFi and audio chip built by AKG
Fingerprint reader with Qualcomm Sense ID
4G LTE with VoLTE, 802.11ad 2×2 MU-MIMO, Tri-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.1 with APT-X, GPS, NFC
3400mAh battery
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